
Business Listings form the basis of Roving Trader Tracker, allow you to advertise your business and your current and future trading location to the general public and to your existing customers.

Having your business listed on Roving Trader Tracker...

    • Helps customers and the general public (who might not know you exist!) find your business through our website or by embedding one of our widgets on your own website
      • Show off your products & services on your business profile on Roving Trader Tracker
      • Share your profile URL so customers always know where to find you
      • Builds customer loyalty - customers can return to you instead of your competitors if they know you are nearby
      • Increased customer service - customers know where to find you in the case of any customer service queries
      • Turn customers into followers into friends - customers can create alerts on Roving Trader Tracker to get notified when you are nearby
    • Saves you time:
      • Share your location to Social Media (e.g. Facebook pages & groups) easily from Roving Trader Tracker
      • Update your location with a single tap on our smartphone/tablet App
    • Increases your online presence, helping to increase visits to your own website and Social Media accounts through our search engine optimised website

Getting Started

To get started with creating your business listing on Roving Trader Tracker:

  1. Create a User Account on Roving Trader Tracker to be able to login to the site.
  2. Upgrade your account to one of our business listing packages (Basic / Premium)
  3. Create your business profile to create your unique business URL
  4. Optional - Add Photos, Social Media links and Opening Hours to your listing
  5. Add your business location(s) - whether that's a mobile location or a fixed location
  6. If you've created a mobile location, update your location using our website, App or by registering your attendance at events.

That's all you need to do to get started - but you can also share your location to Social Media or embed one of our widgets on your own website to let visitors to know where you are.

About your Listing

Once you have a listing on Roving Trader Tracker, your business location(s) will be visible and searchable on the website. From the homepage, visitors to the site can search for your listing by name, description and product/services tags and by date/location to see if you are near to a specific place at the point in time they specified:

Clicking on your business will take them to your business profile page which has a unique URL for your business and each business location. The listing page comes in two forms - a map view and a listing view:

From there, they can find all of the information about your business and see the current location of each of your trading locations. They can click on the business locations to view the location timeline for that location: