To create a business listing and/or events on Roving Trader Tracker you need to upgrade to a paid package. We don't charge users and we believe that all of our packages offer great value for money compared to other business listing/directory offerings.

The current pricing of the packages on Roving Trader Tracker are as follows:



Basic Package

The Basic package is everything a mobile trader/business needs to get started with Roving Trader Tracker - you get a listing on the website and you can use our app/website to update your trading location.

We'll also send you some stickers that you can place on your window/display boards to let your customers know they can find you on Roving Trader Tracker:

The Basic package costs £9.99 a month or £99.99 a year (12 months for the price of 10).

Premium Package

The Premium package offers everything in the Basic package and Event Organiser packages and also allows you to create multiple trading locations - ideal for larger businesses. 

We'll also send you some stickers that you can place on your window/display boards to let your customers know they can find you on Roving Trader Tracker:

In addition, with the Premium package you also get:

    • Upgraded to a featured listing - appearing highlighted first in search results
    • The ability to use custom map markers for your business locations

The Premium package costs £14.99 a month or £149.99 a year (12 months for the price of 10).

Event Organiser Package

The Event Organiser package allows you to create event listings on the site and invite traders to trade at them.

The Event Organiser package costs £4.99 a month or £49.99 a year (12 months for the price of 10).

See Upgrade Account for information on how to upgrade to one of our paid packages.